Marketing for GenZ

Understanding current cultural trends is essential for any successful business. This course relates marketing to the trends of Gen Z, leaving students confident in how to win over this evolving demographic from a marketing perspective.

Created By

Chusin M

16-18, Adult



Marketing for GenZ


Course Overview

Generation Z is the talk of the town! Everyone seems to be obsessed with what Gen Z are doing and are adapting their marketing strategies to reach this unique generation. You may have noticed that everyone is creating content for TikTok and Instagram, but have you ever wondered why these Apps are so popular amongst Gen Z? Marketers are, more than ever, focused on this very generation. Why is that? This course lets students in on the secret of how to win over Gen Z from a marketing perspective. The programme takes a deep dive into Gen Z’s thoughts and behaviours in order to learn how to leverage brand marketing on social media to increase revenue from sentiment-based pricing and innovative marketing campaigns. This is an essential course for any business owners or those thinking about starting a business aimed at attracting the attention of the very lucrative Gen Z.

Course Content


3.5 HOURS Total Length

Lesson 1

Who are Gen Z

30 minutes

Lesson 2

Why are Gen Z important?

30 minutes

Lesson 3

Brand Case Studies on Gen Z

30 minutes

Lesson 4


30 minutes

Lesson 5

Gen Z Consumer Insights and Customer Experience

30 minutes

Lesson 6

Increasing Revenue by Creating Innovative Marketing Campaigns

30 minutes

Lesson 7

Gen Z Case Scenario

30 minutes

Key Skills


Online Marketing


Chusin M

Digital Marketing Educator

Chusin is an online marketing enthusiast who is very passionate about educating people to know more about online marketing and improve their digital skills.