If you are a business owner or aspiring influencer, there are nine digital marketing trends that you need know to speed up your business exponentially. On this course, students learn what the top trends of the year are. Students understand why digital economy is expanding outside the city, why on-demand business is on the rise and why omnichannel experience is gaining popularity. In addition, students are taught how to attract sustainable consumers and are shown how to navigate the Social Media Landscape of 1,500 brands. If you want to grow your business, this is the course for you. The sooner that you grasp the concepts of these nine digital marketing trends, the faster your business will excel!
Course Content
1.5 HOURS Total Length
Lesson 1
A Year in Search Trends
10 minutes
Lesson 2
Digital Economy Outside of The City
10 minutes
Lesson 3
On-Demand Business is on The Rise
10 minutes
Lesson 4
Omnichannel Experience
10 minutes
Lesson 5
Sustainable Consumers
10 minutes
Lesson 6
Social Media Landscape Summary
10 minutes
Lesson 7
Top 3 Industries with The Greatest Number of Posts
10 minutes
Lesson 8
Top 3 Industries with The Most Engagement Online
10 minutes
Lesson 9
Website Recommendations to Track Online Trends
10 minutes
Key Skills
Online Marketing
Trend Analysis
Social Media
Chusin M
Digital Marketing Educator
Chusin is an online marketing enthusiast who is very passionate about educating people to know more about online marketing and improve their digital skills.